????近日,精密測量院冷分子離子研究組在釷離子載入、囚禁和識別方面取得重要進展,相關研究成果以“Loading and identifying various charged thorium ions in a linear ion trap with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer”為題作為封面與精選文章在國際物理學期刊《Journal of Applied Physics》上發表 [1]。
????[1] Zi Li,Lin Li,Xia Hua,and Xin Tong,Loading and identifying various charged thorium ions in a linear ion trap with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer,J. Appl. Phys. 135,144402 (2024).
????[2] Lin Li,Zi Li,Xia Hua,and Xin Tong,Dynamic laser ablation loading of a linear Paul trap,arXiv:2402.17981,J. Phys. D accepted (2024).
????[3] Lin Li,Zi Li,Chen Wang,Wen-Ting Gan,Xia Hua,and Xin Tong,Scheme for the excitation of thorium-229 nuclei based on electronic bridge excitation,Nucl. Sci. Tech. 34,24 (2023).
????近日,精密測量院冷分子離子研究組在釷離子載入、囚禁和識別方面取得重要進展,相關研究成果以“Loading and identifying various charged thorium ions in a linear ion trap with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer”為題作為封面與精選文章在國際物理學期刊《Journal of Applied Physics》上發表 [1]。
????近年來,對釷-229原子核第一激發態能量的測量成為精密測量物理研究的前沿與熱點。釷-229原子核第一激發態比基態的能量僅高8.3 eV左右,相應輻射躍遷線寬約為10-4?Hz。目前,釷-229是唯一確認可以利用激光調控核能級,實現核光鐘的核素。
????研究組利用動態載入結合緩沖氣體碰撞冷卻的方法,在離子阱中成功囚禁并累積了釷離子 [2]。同時,利用自主研發的離子阱-飛行時間質譜聯合系統對釷離子數量、速度分布和囚禁壽命進行分析。相關成果為進一步通過電子橋過程激發釷-229核躍遷奠定了技術基礎 [3]。
????[1] Zi Li,Lin Li,Xia Hua,and Xin Tong,Loading and identifying various charged thorium ions in a linear ion trap with a time-of-flight mass spectrometer,J. Appl. Phys. 135,144402 (2024).
????[2] Lin Li,Zi Li,Xia Hua,and Xin Tong,Dynamic laser ablation loading of a linear Paul trap,arXiv:2402.17981,J. Phys. D accepted (2024).
????[3] Lin Li,Zi Li,Chen Wang,Wen-Ting Gan,Xia Hua,and Xin Tong,Scheme for the excitation of thorium-229 nuclei based on electronic bridge excitation,Nucl. Sci. Tech. 34,24 (2023).
國際物理學期刊《Journal of Applied Physics》封面與精選文章